One Day : Phil Landers - Chocolate Maker


Location : Hackney, London, UK
Profession / passion : Chocolate Maker
Website :
Instagram : @land_choc

One Day is an ongoing project sparked by the Covid-19. In the days of isolation we would like to focus on what we do best; bringing people together. Read more about the project here.
We will be posting one new day of someones life every day until we run out of contributors. See
our instagram stories to experience these peoples One Day in action.

Your favourite baked good?
Gooey chocolate brownie

What is the story behind your profession/ passion? 
I’ve been working in chocolate since 2013. I visited a cocoa farm in Nicaragua where I learnt the amazing story of how chocolate starts life as a seed of tropical fruit tree before being turned the sweet treat that is chocolate. I came back from that trip convinced I wanted to work in chocolate. I went on to work for Paul A. Young and the Mast brothers before taking the plunge in 2016 when I decided to rent out an old furniture making workshop in Bethnal Green and turn into the Land chocolate workshop, officially launching October 2016.

How do you want people to react to your work / passion? 
I want people to be first and foremost enjoy the eating experience, but I also try to surprise people with what they might taste. I make chocolate that explores the expansive natural flavour you can find in a cocoa bean. Much like coffee or wine, chocolate can have hundreds of natural flavour compounds and its my job to bring those flavours out through the chocolate making process.

How has the current situation affected how you work? 
I sell mainly wholesale to cafes, restaurants, and deli’s etc so a large amount of my income disappeared. I’ve started concentrating on direct online sales which has been a challenge, but at the same time has made me re-think my model going forward and has made us think outside the box a bit and has had some interesting outcomes. 

What is the most inspiring cookbook youve read recently? 
‘Making chocolate from bean to bar to s’more’ - It’s a book by San Francisco based chocolate makers Dandelion. It breaks down everything you need to know about what goes into chocolate making but also showcases the amount of interesting things you can do we chocolate with some great recipes. 

Your greatest achievement? 
Still standing after 4 years of running a business. I knew I could make chocolate but running a business was the big question mark. I still feel like i’m blagging it everyday. 

Describe a smell that brings back memories to you. 
When roasting cocoa, the smell of brownies is one of the first signs of the roast. I roast every week but this brownie smell always takes me back to roasting small amounts of cocoa back in 2014 in my house in Clapton, not having a clue what I was really doing but having fun doing it.

Your most treasured kitchen utensil/ tool/ equipment?
Chocolate scraper, there is not a day goes by where I”m not scraping chocolate off some sort of surface. 

What was the most defining moment in your life? 
A certain walk with my Dad just before I launched Land. I’d convinced myself I couldn’t do it and had a mini breakdown. My dad took me for a walk and sat me down and he convinced me everything was going to be ok and just to have a go.

If you could only have one meal for the rest of your life what would it be? (3 courses and drinks) 
Starter - Pork Pie   
Main - Fish and chips   
Dessert - Viennetta  
Drink - Guiness 
This is purely a nostalgic choice based on my upbringing back in Leeds.

Your favourite ingredient? 
I have to say cocoa beans right? I actually don’t have a very expansive cooking knowledge, Chocolate was my choice and my brain can’t handle much else.

Quality or Quantity? 
Quality. The Chocolate industry  has got itself into the Quantity game over the years which is part of the reason it’s steeped in very bad ethics. We demanded more at whatever cost, even if it’s the lives of cocoa farmers.

How do you relax? 
Swimming. Very much late to the swimming game but about 2 years ago an ex girlfriend got me into it and I haven’t looked back….it also helps stopping my chocolate waist expanding which it seems desperate to do.
