One Day : Aesther Chang - Artist
Photos : Kimisa H
Location : Brooklyn NY, United States
Profession / passion : Artist
Website :
Instagram :
One Day is an ongoing project sparked by the Covid-19. In the days of isolation we would like to focus on what we do best; bringing people together. Read more about the project here.
We will be posting one new day of someones life every day until we run out of contributors. See our instagram stories to experience these peoples One Day in action.
Photos : Kimisa H
A text, song or film that everyone should experience.
Wings of Desire(1987), a film directed by Wim Wenders.
“Why am I me and why not you? Why am I here and why not there? When did time begin and where does space end?”
What is the story behind your profession/ passion?
I knew very early on that I wanted to become an artist. I remember receiving a box of 100 multi-colored markers when I was five. That was a magical day. It was like unlocking a new world. The more I drew, the more I realized that art had no limits. Creation was at the tip of my fingers. To be an artist is to create your own world. You are your own person, complete with your own mind, vision, and voice. As an artist, I am here to live out loud.
How do you want people to react to your work / passion?
With wonder, but most importantly with honesty.
How has the current situation affected how you work?
The key to letting creativity surge is to not think and just do. These days I take time to experiment with new art materials. Enjoyment comes from being in tune with the process and creating without the pressure or expectation of finished results.
What is the most inspiring text you read recently?
Sol Lewitt’s electrifying letter of adviceto Eva Hesse ina reading delivered by Benedict Cumberbatch. If you are facing creative-block, this is a wonderful nudge of encouragement.
Define what beauty means to you.
As Emily Dickinson once said, ‘Beauty is not caused. It is.’
Analog or digital?
Analog. There’s a painterly quality in analog photography that mimics the sensuality of oils.
Describe a smell that brings back memories to you.
An early evening barbeque,
pink clouds dipping low,
hickory smoke mingled with the scent of late spring lilac.
Your best trait?
What traits do you treasure in other people?
Passion Integrity Kindness
Quality or quantity?
Quality. Less is more.
How was your spiritual and religious upbringing and how did it shape you?
I grew up as a church kid. Although I was brought up under Christian values and teachings, the freedom of belief was ultimately mine. How do I know God exists? Like my soul, I’ve never seen Him, yet I revere Him. As in any relationship, trust and belief is built overtime through personal experiences. My relationship with God is like a close friendship, one in which I can hold honest conversations and tell Him everything. He is very hidden and soft-spoken, but His presence can’t be denied. What I gain from Him is a sense of peace to carry on in my day.
How do you relax?
I enjoy unwinding with friends over good wine, having picnics in parks, watching films, and going on long walks in nature.
Do you have any regrets in life?
Forget the past, forgo the future. Live in the present.
Should calm come from within or be facilitated by the environment?
Environment plays a significant role in cultivating calm, however, if your inner being is in turmoil, it is impossible to experience true calm. Despite your circumstances and environment, you have the ability to cultivate calm anywhere, anytime, from within.
Lastly, how do wish to see this current situation have a positive impact on our lives?
We will always have a choice in how we respond to our situations. Our response directly affects our growth and freedom. In times like these, I am grateful for things I often take for granted- for instance, the ability to breathe freely. By leading a practice full of gratitude, mindfulness, and intention, we can rise above our limitations and experience a renewing of the body and mind.