One Day : Roddy Clarke - Journalist


Location : Hove / London, UK
Profession / passion : Journalist, stylist & presenter
Website :
Instagram : @roddyclarkedesign

One Day is an ongoing project sparked by the Covid-19. In the days of isolation we would like to focus on what we do best; bringing people together. Read more about the project here.
We will be posting one new day of someones life every day until we run out of contributors. See
our instagram stories to experience these peoples One Day in action.

A book you think everyone should read?
Michelle Obama – Becoming. A reminder that a determination and passion to create change is possible but only if we believe in the change ourselves. 

What is the story behind your profession/passion?
I have a family background in restoration, my dad is a china and porcelain restorer, and I worked alongside him for 5 years before pursuing my own career. Growing up with this circular mindset, and a passion for interiors, has led me into exploring the environmental and social impacts of design. Design plays a role in every aspect of our lives and it’s imperative to see the power it can have in changing mindsets and proposing new ways of living. 
Throughout all of my work, be it journalism, creative direction, presenting or consulting, I focus on the true meaning of sustainability and I try to help consumers navigate their way through a world of vague and mixed communication to try and make the right choices in changing their lifestyle for the better. 

How do you want people to react to your work/passion?
I just want to encourage everyone that reads my work to understand how we can work together to create a better future for all. I hope that people can relate to the passion which drives me and understand we all have the power to make an impact. 

Your Best trait?
Determination – I think my close friends would probably say I’m stubborn! - but in life you have to find the doors before they open for you!

What traits do you treasure in other people?
Honesty and empathy – tell it like it is and understand what it’s like to be in someone else’s shoes! 

How was your spiritual and religious upbringing and how did it shape you?
I am a spiritual person however, coming from a unique religious background, I have a complicated relationship with organised religion. I’m not quite ready to share that story yet but you’ll know when I am!

What does freedom mean to you?
Freedom is waking up each day knowing you are in control of every decision you make throughout that day. As soon as that is threatened, your freedom starts to diminish. 

Lastly, how do wish to see this current situation have a positive impact on our lives? 
I hope it makes us realise the right parts of normality we need to go back to and how important the lessons of community, humanity, care, compassion and love are in creating a brighter future for all. Slowing down and living the present is crucial and this difficult time has given us all a perspective of that. 
