One Day : Kathryn Davey - Natural Dyer


Location : Dublin, Ireland
Profession / passion : Natural Dyer
Website :
Instagram : @kathryn_davey

One Day is an ongoing project sparked by the Covid-19. In the days of isolation we would like to focus on what we do best; bringing people together. Read more about the project here.
We will be posting one new day of someones life every day until we run out of contributors. See
our instagram stories to experience these peoples One Day in action.  

A text, song or film that everyone should experience.
Live version of Suzanne by Nina Simone

What is the story behind your profession/ passion?
I started natural dyeing as a way to make small quantities of fabric in the colours I wanted for various projects. From there I fell down the rabbit hole and now its what I do for a living.!

How do you want people to react to your work / passion?
Working with natural dyes is a constant source of inspiration for me, the beauty, the subtly, the magic of it all. If I can somehow share this with others through my work then that is a wonderful thing all in itself!

kathryn davey natural dyeing linen .jpg

How has the current situation affected how you work?
Its kinda crazy, I haven’t been able to go to my studio and continue my work or my production. My income has disappeared overnight, workshops have been cancelled, jobs have been postponed and wholesale orders have seized.

Your greatest achievement?
My three daughters.

Define what beauty means to you.
Beauty to me is imperfection, kindness, truth & consideration of others.

What traits do you treasure in other people?
Kindness, honesty, humour, strength, warmth, integrity.

Quality or quantity?
