One Day : Chris Dyson - architect
Location : London, Spitalfields, UK
Profession / passion : Architect
Website :
Instagram : @Christo_dyson @chrisdysonarchitects
One Day is an ongoing project sparked by the Covid-19. In the days of isolation we would like to focus on what we do best; bringing people together. Read more about the project here.
We will be posting one new day of someones life every day until we run out of contributors. See our instagram stories to experience these peoples One Day in action.
A text, song or film that everyone should experience
Roberto Benigni, ‘Life Is Beautiful’ (La vita è bella)
I love all things Italian! Although I'm a Viking in my heritage! I love Brown and green eyes.
What is the story behind your profession/ passion?
I love the challenge/opportunity of building bespoke buildings from conceptual thinking and through to the final build – places with heart and soul are important to me and my clients.
How do you want people to react to your work / passion?
With engagement from the outset we are making something unique for them and want the journey to be a strong and particular one that reinforces their lives and my own sense of purpose in architectural practice – it’s a real joy when this works well, very rewarding in particular for public or civic projects
How has the current situation affected how you work?
We are all working remotely and all our sites have closed down it’s a ‘force majore’ / Act of God in terms of building contracts! However our best and particular loyal private clients are all continuing to work on the projects into planning submission and then on the other side in detail design to tender stages which are some of our most enjoyable and rewarding stages in many respects.
What is the most inspiring text you read recently?
‘’The greater the difficulty, the more glory in surmounting it’’ by Epicurus. IE stay strong have self believe as this will pass …
Chris Dysons home
Your greatest achievement?
Setting up practice and keeping it going for 15 years now and this is just another challenge, like the last recession we got through it.
Define what beauty means to you.
Physical, mental and spiritual manifests itself in humble ways. Simplicity in materials and approach to making spaces that are timeless in Architecture. In a woman its much the same.
Function or form?
Both are really important and function without an idea/ concept is nothing.
Analog or digital?
Both are beautiful I’m personally more analogue than digital because of my years.. and my training and inclination.
Describe a smell that brings back memories to you.
Santa Maria novella make a wonderful series of scents that evoke a real sense of spirituality.
Your best trait?
I’m Passionate, Loving, Kind and caring when things matter most.
What traits do you treasure in other people?
The same if I’m honest
Your most treasured possession?
My Ikon K89 pencil and floppy black A4 Moleskin Sketch book.
What was the most defining moment in your life?
Setting up my own business - its life changing.
Quality or quantity?
Always without a doubt ever its Quality!
Who do you miss?
Love and Human contact.
How was your spiritual and religious upbringing and how did it shape you?
I went to a church boarding school St Johns in leatherhead and it taught me great independence. I was a chorister there and sang twice a day and learnt many life skills I still apply today – I am a people person if sometimes a little shy.
When was the last time you learned something new and what was it?
Yesterday Zoom team-working! its fabulous and quite invigorating – I think we will all learn great new things out of this.
Have you actively chosen to live in the city/town you live in?
Yes I was drawn to its buildings and sense of place and I’m now entrenched here.
How do you relax?
Music, Yoga, reading and long distance cycling.
I need to exercise first after a stressful day to slow me down. I do also love a good glass of wine!
If you were forced to sit still for one month straight without pursuing your current profession, how would you spend your time?
Take up more yoga, reading, drawing and making love/food.
What does freedom mean to you?
Liberty, self-expression, free thinking and Life.
Do you have any regrets in life?
No, although I have unrequited loves and friendships
Do you identify yourself with any historical figures?
Not really I admire lots of people from the past mostly in the painting and architectural world.
Should calm come from within or be facilitated by the environment?
Sense of calm can only come from within however certain spaces well designed can help spark a sense of clam.
Marcel Proust said ‘nothing exists within itself’. Are we brought to life by way of contrast?
Yes, my father was a corporate banker in the city and I could not be more different. I could not be more different in my thinking processes I’m impulsive at heart.
Lastly, how do wish to see this current situation have a positive impact on our lives?
We are all being more kind and thoughtful towards each other – that’s a very nice thing to see, no matter your wealth we are all human and important as such – we are all going to learn to travel less for work and use this new technology that we are all getting to grips with so that’s good for the planet. I have noticed how much cleaner the air is and quiet London is without planes roaring overhead from 6am to midnight daily. My neighbourhood Spitalfields has already a vast whats app group of good people willing to help out each other as we go forward into this abyss!